A Real Estate Property Management Lesson. 


About ten weeks ago our real estate agent advised us that the tenants in our town property would be vacating the premises in four weeks. My first reaction was “I wonder why they’re leaving? We don’t want a disruption to the income stream at this time; perhaps we should talk them into staying.” This is when our real estate property management lesson began.

              Needless to say, our first reaction was to sleep on it. Then we got back to the agent and said that we were taking this opportunity to re-paint the place and replace the carpets. We also asked her to put a hold on looking for new tenants until we finished. Simple enough we thought. 

              Well, about a month later we went to town for the keys. We were looking forward to starting on the repairs. The new property manager handed us the keys in a belligerent sort of way. She also said they would still rent it when we had sorted it out. We weren’t expecting what we saw. Shortly we were back at the office for some answers. Her response totally took us by surprise. Apparently, we were penny-pinching landlords who never spent anything around the place.  Well, it’s here that the real estate property management lessons begin.

              Back at home, I was seething. I was berating tenants for all they were worth or not worth as the case may be; not to mention that useless property manager (the former one). Well, luckily I caught myself in my act, took a deep breath and sat down, and meditated for a while.


Real Estate Property Management

This is important!

You see this is the one we can all so easily miss in the emotions of the moment; What you say is what you get! What you resist persists! It is the words you speak with the strength of emotion that brings forth your reality!

The First Lesson for Real Estate Property Management is –
Get the Right Attitude.

              We changed our attitude and our actions and as much as possible spoke only good things about our tenants. Likewise, we also set a course to attract a wonderful new tenant(s).

              We wrote out a statement to the effect that we would attract a new tenant; one who would love, respect, and treat the place as though it were their own. Then in return, we would provide a fully refurbished residence that one would be proud to call home. Also that they would be in and paying rent by the 15th Nov. This was then placed under a Clear Quartz point.

              In metaphysical terms, this is manifesting, physically – goal setting. Actually, by writing out a clear statement of what we wanted, and what we were prepared to do in exchange, and then following through, we were bound to achieve it. As far as we were concerned this was now a ’fait accompli’ and all we had to do was commence the work.

              Only a few days in and we were more than wondering if we had bitten off more than we could chew? This house was going to require much more than first thought, in all factors of time, money, and effort. 

Time to Improve the Energy at the Property
 An important real estate property management lesson.

              It was at this time we became aware of the depressive energy the property had taken on. This in addition to the physical dirt and mould. We decided to smudge the house now rather than later. There are no rules for smudging, we just start in the front of the house and slowly move through the entire house. Make sure you get the smoke from the smudge stick in all the corners. To finish, air the house thoroughly this will give it a clean clear feel. We also gave the property a Reiki treatment to improve the vibes around the place.

              Smudging is an ideal way to clear an area of negative or depressive energies. Also, the regular burning of incense is quite effective.


Accept Help when it’s Offered.           

The next day a friend turned up offering to help. Then the next day another who was also a licensed handyman, along with all the equipment we would need to complete the job. (The question I pose for you is; where did they come from and how did they know we needed them?)

              Miraculously the overgrown jungle of asparagus weed and bougainvillea transformed into an easy-care garden. Amazing what a dedicated team can do. We were able to buy our paint at genuine trade prices. When we went to buy the floor coverings, we were delighted when we were told about a cancelled order. This meant we could have top-quality carpet and vinyl laid for a budget price. The tiler would be able to do our job also, even if just in the nick of time. We obtained the stove we needed by taking the demo, as the new shipment would not be in till after the fifteenth.

              It was in week four of our project that we were really tested; extra things seemed to be popping up. How would we ever finish? To top it off, we had just re-confirmed to the new property manager that we would be ready on time and to start looking for a new tenant. But we were beginning to bite each other’s heads off.

Introducing Crystals to Improve Energy Flow – Another Real Estate Property Management Lesson.

              It was now time to take a step back, take a deep breath, and meditate. Also to further improve the vibrations around the place we took some dedicated Clear and Rose Quartz crystals and placed them around the garden.

              The new property manager came to visit along with her new understanding. When she took over she didn’t know that the previous property manager had not been doing her job properly. Also, she had only the former tenants’ version of things when she first dealt with us. She was amazed at the properties transformation so far. We took particular note of her comment that the place ‘felt so much better’. We discussed the rent we now wanted and she advised us that it may take a little while to complete as demand was going to the new estates around town.

              All along we had been playing good music and listening to motivational material whilst working at the house. We did this to lift the vibrations in the place, as well as to entertain and educate us while we worked.

In Real Estate Property Management;
Energy and Crystals will Attract the Right Tenant.

              We were delighted when informed that a new application was in for our approval. But when did she look at the house? She hadn’t. A friend of hers who lived in town was aware of what we were doing and had informed her that this would be a good place to live in. Besides this, her lease ran out on the eighth of Nov.

              We were doing the finishing off on the seventh when a car pulled up in front. We still hadn’t done the proper clean-up yet as we realised this was our potential new tenant, who was here for a look. It was now that we began to receive some of the rewards for the work done.

First Impressions Do Count with Prospective Tenants.

              First impressions count and they were good when we met her and her three young children out front. They had arrived with her friend. After the introductions, her friend explained that the house had taken on a whole new persona; also, her son wanted to know what had happened to the old house that used to be here.

              As she entered she said that she loved the size of the place; with plenty of room for children to play; unlike the new estates with no room to swing a cat. Unsolicited, she and the children took off their shoes before entering the house. This was a very good sign for us. As she stepped onto the new carpet she commented on its softness and then declared it to be a perfect match to her furniture. We saw her look of wonder in the kitchen. Plus we appreciated her comment that she just loved the colour scheme and the size and layout of the rooms.

              We had had a complication in the bathroom from the previous owners’ renovations. We were unable to restore it with a normal showerhead. Instead, we had to rely on a handheld shower as it was previously configured. However, the bathroom was now fully renovated. We saw this as a necessary compromise. Imagine how it felt when she exclaimed her love of handheld showers, especially over a good-sized bath.

              She also asked about the incense we were burning; declaring she also liked incense.


A Perfect Match – A Great Result in Real Estate Property Management.

              It appears that tenancy and tenant have found a perfect match. Needless to say, we now have our new tenant and will be receiving the rent we want; starting from the fifteenth of November. It also appears we have a property manager who knows her job and will do it.

              When we purchased this property, it was already tenanted and with precedents set; we now start over with a whole new slate. Here’s to all of us living happily ever after.

At the Beginning – The Problem and Learning Our Lessons.

              We learned a great many lessons along the way. Some of our problems developed because we had let some things slide that we shouldn’t have. From now on we will be much tougher landlords; but not without compassion and understanding. And in the same light, we will be much more demanding of our property manager.

              Some people are amazed that we turned a sad and neglected property around so quickly. Further, it is renting above the market average. And incredibly, in a town with an oversupply and lack of demand for rental properties.

Lessons Learned – Successful Real Estate Property Management.

              The answer: The property had its vibrations raised and sustained to a level that would achieve this outcome. And furthermore, to the mutual benefit of all parties involved.

              We could have regaled against the previous tenets as is the norm and nearly the case for us. Instead, we chose to thank them for the opportunities they afforded us. 1) We got to remove an ugly pergola from the front of the property that detracted from its value. We had wanted to remove this for some time. However, we left it as the previous tenants had insisted it was an important reason for them renting there. 2) Their leaving had disclosed illegal works undertaken by them. These were the real cause of some of the problems with the property, which would be disastrous in the longer term. 3) Had they left one month earlier we couldn’t have claimed the tax deductions for the cost of restoration.

              Cleaning and renovating restored and physically lifted the property to a commercial value; which we are and will be taking advantage of. But Reiki, smudging, burning incense, the playing of good music, and a crystal all added to the feel and the emotional value of the place. What you think and what you say really does lead to what you get.

              We didn’t want more of what we already had; that is why it was so important to forgive and say only good things about tenants.

              We declared what we wanted and when we wanted it. Then we handed it over to the universe to deliver. We also improved our chances by placing a clear and concise written statement under a Clear Quartz crystal.

              All the rest is history.

Vibrational therapies work effectively on places and things as well as people. 



Crystals For Selling A House may also be of interest.

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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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