Tumbled Stones - Healing Crystals - Buy Crystals Online

Tumbled Stones

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Tumbled Stones are excellent to carry for their vibrational effect and healing benefits, or to use in crystal healing. Many people also like to use them when they are practicing mindfulness, meditation, and other spiritual healing techniques.
The beneficial effects of these Crystals may also be enjoyed by placing them in your environment. E.g. around electrical appliances, in a vase, grouped or scattered on a coffee table or your desk. We have tumble stones for gemstone collectors and crystal healers alike.

Tumble stone sizes generally range from 1 – 3 cm.
Browse this extensive range for the one(s) you want.

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Agate Agates are grounding stones, supplying physical, emotional and intellectual balance. Agate works slowly but with great power. It also has the power to harmonise yin and yang. Agate gently builds self acceptance and self confidence, along with spiritual growth and inner stability.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Banded Agate
Banded Agate Banded Agate provides protection and security, with steadfastness and unity. It assists you to explore unknown territory and your own creativity, while paying attention to detail.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Black Agate
Black Agate Black Agate provides protection, courage, and success. Black Agate is known for its grounding, balancing, and centring effects.
Max: 8
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Crystals for Easter. Crazy Lace Agate
Crazy Lace Agate Crazy Lace Agate is called the Laughter Stone; it brings laughter and joy and absorbs emotional pain. It is uplifting and increases self-esteem. It supports and encourages elevating thoughts and promotes optimism. It promotes mental agility, liveliness and variety, and encourages flexibility in thinking and action.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Fire Agate
Fire Agate Fire Agate increases personal power. Dispels fears. Provides a protective shield. Brings passion and life to endeavours. Helps you stay on the path to enlightenment. Strong connection to earth energies. Fire Agate helps take the edge off difficult experiences. Induces a feeling of relaxation. Excellent stone to use before meditating.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Dentritic Agate
Dendritic Agate Dendritic Agate is the Stone of Plenitude. It brings fullness and abundance to all areas of life. Encourages the enjoyment of each moment and creates a peaceful environment. It deepens your connection to the earth. It brings stability in times of strife or confusion. Provides the ability to see difficulties as a challenge and lends perseverance.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Turitella Agate
Turritella Agate Turritella Agate is a spiritual crystal deeply connected to the earth, personal roots, your ancestry and past events. It is a survival stone, offering strength and protection.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Agnitite - Hematite in Quartz
Agnitite or Hematite in Quartz Agnitite or Hematite in Quartz stimulates energy, vitality, passion and creativity. It draws up earth energy into our Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus energy centres. It helps to ground spiritual Light through the body and to bring the higher spiritual realms into manifestation. It brings fresh vitality into stagnant places and increases the vibratory power of the entire body.
Max: 4
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Amazonite Amazonite - Aligns and balances the physical body with the etheric body. Amazonite calms nerves, aids creative expression and soothes the emotions. Amazonite also brings joy, clarity and an understanding of universal love.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Amethyst Amethyst is known as the peace stone and is a promoter of spiritual wisdom. It has a great calming and comforting influence making it ideal for meditation and enhancing psychic abilities. Amethyst is very protective and inspirational. Radiates divine love and promotes emotional centering.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Banded Amethyst
Banded Amethyst Banded Amethyst is excellent for all types of introspective work and to assist during meditation. Use it to help do away with resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity. Banded Amethyst creates a strong healing field around the user.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Ametrine Ametrine powerfully combines amethyst and citrine. It connects the physical realm with higher consciousness. Facilitates and protects during astral travel and relieves psychic attack. Ametrine unites masculine and feminine energies.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Mothers Day Crystals, Angelite
Angelite Angelite is a stone of awareness and it represents peace and brotherhood. Angelite facilitates contact with Angels. Helps you to speak the truth, be more compassionate and accepting.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Apatite Apatite helps to deepen meditation and stimulates clairvoyance. Can help integrate and balance the emotional, intellectual, physical and etheric bodies. Good for past life insights. Apatite is also helpful for fighting viruses, stimulates the throat Chakra. Reducing hunger.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Aquamarine Aquamarine provides emotional and intellectual stability, clarity of mind and inspiration. Aids self expression, calms nerves. Helps banish fears, doubts and phobias.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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aqua aura quartz
Aqua Aura Quartz Pure Gold bonded to Clear Quartz. It encourages fulfilment of your highest potential. Releases stress, cleanses, calms and protects the aura. A powerful high vibration crystal to aid with your spiritual growth and understanding. It is a potent aid to communication and psychic gifts.
Max: 1
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Blue Aragonite meaning
Blue Aragonite Blue Aragonite is an emotionally soothing and comforting stone that enhances all levels of emotional perception and intensifies our enjoyment of emotional states. It relieves the fear which leads us to numb ourselves to the joys and sorrow of life.  It brings a renewed zest and courage to experience all of your feelings.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Astrophyllite meaning
Astrophyllite Astrophyllite is an excellent stone for promoting out of body experiences. It promotes self-esteem and a feeling of well-being. Astrophyllite enables us to connect to an expanded understanding of who we are and assists us to see the big picture of our individual and global transformation.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Blue Aventurine
Blue Aventurine Blue Aventurine is a powerful mental healer. It helps you to speak your mind from the heart. It has a very calming energy that can be used for balancing and healing your emotions.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine Green Aventurine clears, activates, harmonises and protects the heart chakra. It is an all round healer bringing in well-being and emotional calm. Green Aventurine balances male/female energies.
Min: 1
Step: 1
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