Tiger Eye Meaning and Benefits



~ Properties ~ Tiger Eye Meaning ~ Benefits ~ Healing ~

Tiger E
ye Meaning – General Information

Tiger Eye also called Tiger’s Eye is a chatoyant (a luminescent band like that of a cat’s eye) gemstone. It is usually a metamorphic rock that has rich yellow and golden brown stripes, with a silky lustre when polished. A member of the Quartz family that contains oriented fibres of crocidolite (blue asbestos) that have been replaced by silica. Tiger Eye with its bands resembles an eye of a tiger; so it has received its name due to this similarity. It has a Mohs hardness of 6.5-7 and belongs in the hexagonal crystal system.

Tiger Eye
Meaning – History

Tiger Eye is a most ancient talisman, powerful, mysterious as well as revered, and feared – “an all-seeing all-knowing eye”. Also thought to grant the wearer the ability to observe everything, even behind closed doors. Ancient Egyptians chose it for the eyes in their deity statues. It would express the divine vision and provide the protection of the sun and earth combined. Ra, the sun god, as well as Geb, the god of the growing land. Linked to the magical tiger of Eastern mythology, Tiger Eye portrays courage, integrity, and the proper use of power.

Roman soldiers apparently wore Tiger Eye for protection and also to deflect weapons and to be brave in battle. Traditionally carried as a protective talisman against ill-wishing and curses. Moreover, it is highly regarded throughout history as a stone of prosperity and good fortune, protecting one’s resources. Tiger Eye is the anniversary gemstone for the 9th year of marriage.

Tiger E
ye Meaning – Metaphysical Benefits. 

The qualities of patience and timing relate to our ability to create what we want for our lives. The colour gold represents the ability to manifest; while the dark brown corresponds to the energies of the earth. Therefore, Tiger Eye can help us to translate our ideas into physical reality and accomplish our goals. It provides recognition of inner resources and promotes clarity of intention.

Use it to stimulate wealth and abundance, as well as to enhance the stability required to maintain and keep it.

This stone expressly helps us to have more confidence in our ability to realise our dreams. Also, by assisting us to recognise and use our inner resources for their accomplishment. It brings together the energies of the earth and sun to create a high vibrational state, yet nevertheless remains grounded; thereby drawing spiritual energies to earth.

Tiger Eye is a stone for the mind and is useful for focusing the mind. It will cause the mind to have more direction of thought while experiencing a feeling of oneness. Furthermore, it makes you aware of your own needs in relation to the needs of others. It differentiates between wishful thinking about what you want and what you really need.

When placed upon the third eye Tiger Eye enhances psychic abilities, especially in earthy people, and balances the lower chakras, stimulating the rise of Kundalini energy. Placed on the navel, it brings outstanding results for those who are spaced out or uncommitted. Grounds and facilitates manifestation of the will. It will anchor change into the physical body.

Tiger Eye balances yin and yang energies, alleviates depression and lifts moods. It integrates the hemispheres of the brain and enhances practical perception. It is helpful for resolving dilemmas and internal conflicts, especially those brought about by pride and wilfulness.

Tiger Eye Meaning – Healing.

Tigers Eye is particularly useful for healing mental dis-ease and personality disorders, resolving issues of self-worth, self-criticism and blocked creativity. It assists in recognising your talents and abilities and equally the faults that you need to overcome. It is supportive of an addictive personality in making changes.

Tiger Eye treats the eyes and assists with night vision. It heals the throat and reproductive system and dissolves constrictions. Useful for repairing broken bones, digestion and stomach problems; where it alleviates pain.

Specific Colours.

Gold Tiger Eye
Red Tiger Eye
Variegated Tiger Eye





Blue Tiger Eye
is especially calming and releases stress. Further, it aids the overanxious and quick-tempered, and phobic. It cools an overactive sex drive and dissolves sexual frustrations and slows the metabolism.

Gold Tiger Eye assists with paying attention to detail and warns against complacency. It also assists with taking action from a place of reason rather than from emotion. It makes an excellent companion for tests and important meetings.

Red Tiger Eye has a stimulating energy that overcomes lethargy and provides motivation. Moreover, it speeds up a slow metabolism and increases a low sex drive.

Variegated Tiger Eye has a bit of each of the Tiger Eyes in it and as such is an amalgamation of each of their energies and properties.

Tips for using Tiger Eye.

  • Wear or carry a Tiger Eye to improve your intuition.
  • Put a Tiger Eye in your wallet or purse and it will never be empty.
  • Hold Tiger Eye for that special “go for it” feeling when you are otherwise dithering.
  • Place Tiger Eye around your home to protect it and your family from negativity and fear.
  • Hold a Tiger Eye to promote the boldness associated with a tiger.
  • Keep Tiger Eye nearby to promote new beginnings and give you the courage to move forward.
  • Use Tiger Eye as support for determination and to overcome fear during exams, competitions, and the like.
  • Keep Tiger Eye to attract luck and good fortune.
  • Wear or carry Tiger Eye to increase insight and perception, especially in unfamiliar places or circumstances.
  • Draw on Tiger Eye to boost your willpower, emotional stability and energy levels.


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First presented in the August 2010 Newsletter, and edited May ’22 for inclusion here.

© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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