Summer Crystals – Celebrate with Summer Crystals.  


Summer is a wonderful and vibrant time of year. Even more so if you’re into sun-filled days and spending time in the great outdoors. A time when nature is exuberant and energetic in many parts of Australia. Temperatures rise, days grow long, and everywhere an abundance of energy. Let’s celebrate with Summer Crystals and involve ourselves with the energetic output of the season.

Throughout time, we have associated the seasons with different energies. Summer is a time when we are usually motivated, happy, and full of life as it is connected to excitement, joy, and passion.

With each new season, we have the opportunity to rejuvenate the energies within ourselves and in our homes. Now is a perfect time to re-vitalise and decorate with crystals befitting the hot colours of Summer. Maybe you might want to obtain new crystals with compelling spiritual energies as well.

Nature and all of life is awake and active during summer and we experience this burst of energy as well. Many of our activities move outdoors, like hiking, swimming, and camping and we also enjoy more barbecues and picnics. Summer really is a joyous and social time of the year.

Summer energy abounds and Summer Crystals contain energies that align with and complement the season. You may also connect to the energies of summer through these crystals.


Let us share a few Summer Crystals and some ideas for using them with you.

Gold, Yellow and Red Crystals are very popular due to their summer vibes.


Carnelian is often referred to as ‘the stone of setting sun’. Its luminous energy brings pleasure and joy into your life and is also helpful in bringing people together. Associated with your Sacral Chakra, it controls the flow of life force energy throughout your bodies, thereby increasing your energy, motivation, and passion. Carnelian has the power to influence you and encourage you to seek out activities that feel good to the soul.

Consider it as a remedy to boredom and being stuck in a routine. Placed in your living area, it can provide a positive influence, also increasing your liveliness, enthusiasm, and zest for life. Hold a piece or keep it in your pocket to invite adventure into your life. Having a piece at hand will remind you of the joy of being alive. You can also hold this stimulating crystal while meditating to connect with your most creative and passionate self.


Citrine conveys the power of the sun, bringing warmth, joy, and happiness into your life. Its sunshine-like rays carry both positive vibrations and optimism. It also has the power to clear away any negative energies from within or around you. It helps you to move forward in life and enjoy new experiences and adventures.

Place some on your kitchen window sill and allow it to bring the Sun’s power into your home. Holding a few pieces of Citrine or carrying them in your pocket will allow you to feel its energising power in your life. Sit quietly and meditate with a piece or two of Citrine and allow its sunlike power to align you with your heart’s joy. Citrine is among the few crystals that never need cleansing.


Garnet represents the fire element, which relates to energy, passion and inspiration. With powerful energising and regenerative energies, it cleanses and energises all the chakras. Through its connection to the root chakra, it restores energy to the physical body. It also enhances your survival instincts and provides sound protective energy, bringing grounding along with feelings of safety and security.

It can increase self-confidence and can also be used to attract or revitalize an existing romantic relationship. Place Garnet in an area of your home where you’ll see it regularly to help keep you inspired and connected to your emotions. Enhance your success and visibility, with its fiery energy which can also help to improve your personal relationships. For more recognition in your career, try adding a Garnet to your office or desk. Carry or wear it to balance your sex drive and alleviate any emotional disharmony. An excellent stone to keep in the bedroom.


Sunstone has ancient connections to the sun. An olden belief is that it was a part of the sun that fell to earth during a primeval full solar eclipse. It came carrying the energy of the Egyptian sun god Ra and delivers energy to all life on earth. Sunstone is just like a little ray of sunshine that you can hold in your hand. It shines light and warmth throughout your entire energetic system, as well as filling you with joy, freedom, and personal power.

Consider it as a tonic for your soul as it heals and cleanses your aura, whilst nullifying any darkness or negative vibrations. Sit some in a central location so it can radiate its life-giving energies throughout your personal environment. Wear it as jewellery, or place some stones in your pocket to encourage an air of playfulness. It is bound to awaken your inner child and remind you that life is meant to be enjoyed.

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye combines both earth and sun energies, helping you to restore balance while grounding solar energy into your energy system. It connects your lower chakras and boosts your vital energy, inspiration, and motivation. Tiger Eye is worn by warriors to bring them strength, courage, protection, and good luck.

Gold, yellow and brown are cousins sharing wonderful, joyful energy, that leads you to a brighter more cheerful outlook. Placed near your entry, Tiger Eye with its Golden Ray helps visitors to feel welcome. It will help maintain harmony in your home, also calming any tensions within the family or with your partner. Wear or carry it to help you awaken your inner confidence and drive. This will also help you to focus your energy on achieving your goals.

A few extra ideas to help bring Summer Crystals into your life.

All of the crystals mentioned are easy to obtain and are quite economical as Tumbled Stones. For decorating they usually work best with several gathered together. We often sit several together in a bowl which makes for an attractive display. They also work well when placed into a clear vase filled with flowers, and just as well without the flowers. They help hide the stems and look really neat.

Inexpensive jewellery may be obtained by combining them with a wire cage and black cord necklace. And of course, crystal chip bracelets are another low-cost way of obtaining the benefits of Summer Crystals.

If you want your crystals to make more of a statement in your decorating scheme then larger chunks of these crystals may be the way to go. Especially so if you prefer a raw edge to your crystal displays.

And you really can’t go past polished crystals for adding that extra oomph to your decorating. Freeform shapes, eggs, spheres, obelisks, or polished points, simply choose the shape that appeals to you the most, or that carries a special significance to you.

You could also make gem water by placing a stone into a bottle of water and spritzing its energy into your environment

Even with the hustle and bustle that Summer can bring, remember its real power lies in its ability to rejuvenate your soul. It’s important to take time to pause and enjoy life throughout the season. Spend more time with family and friends, laugh a lot, and also be sure to make room for self-care. The crystals above can also help you tap into the true essence of Summer.

Staying Cool in Summer.

The five crystals mentioned above are great for bringing the energy or vibe of summer into your life. However, hot days and extended hot weather can be hard to take at times. So, you might like to check out the crystals and cooling tips in our article: Staying Cool in Summer.


Crystals for sale in-store

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Summer on the Beach: Toa Heftiba on Unsplash


© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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