New Beginnings – Crystal Tips to help you get on with it.



Typically, with the commencement of a new year, many of us make new resolutions. We also determine to get things off to a fresh start. New beginnings, new energy, the hope for things to be different.

Often though after an enthusiastic start things return to ‘normal’ and life resumes its own set pace. Energy and place is a strong force that can soon pull us back into its influence and that is why it is a good idea to disturb it a little—or a lot.


New Beginnings – a time for a good cleanup


This is why I advocate that at the beginning of a new season, or a new project, or a new year, or any new undertaking, that it is wise to have a good clean-up; and re-energise things, both tangible and intangible. Take a good look inside and really check things out – what are you thinking? How stable are your emotions? What is your attitude really like and how can you improve it? Is your inner reality serving you well?


Then we can move to what we call the real world and have a good clean-up; along with de-cluttering and then either selling, donating or throwing out whatever no longer serves. It’s amazing how an object can keep us tied into an old habit or thought-form and locked into its old energy pattern.


Windows are more often than not neglected; clean and open them, if possible, to let in a fresh supply of air, light, and life force. Clean windows make an enormous and positive difference to the flow of energy into your place. Give any sun catchers hanging in the windows a clean while you are at it. I’m sure your rainbow luminations will be a whole lot brighter.


Time for a critical inspection


Go from room to room, stand in the doorway and give it a critical inspection. How do it and its contents still serve you? If it doesn’t, then think about how you might rearrange or reorganise into a new function. Dowsing can also be helpful at this time, either with a pendulum or by finger dowsing. You do this by joining your index finger (some prefer to use their middle finger) and thumb on one hand together; and then interlinking with the finger and thumb of the other hand to form a ‘chain’ connection. You then ask your question, and if the chain holds, this provides an affirmative answer. And if it breaks this gives a negative answer. Whether with a pendulum or finger dowsing, make sure to ask your questions clearly and unambiguously. Also be sure to ask in a manner that elicits a clear yes or no answer.




Smudging of course is an invaluable aid at this time. But I prefer to hold this back until I have completed checking out all of my crystals.

At our place, there are crystals from one end to the other and in every room. However, over time we tend to forget why we put them there in the first place. Many of them are simply there to decorate; to look good. Yet others to emit their beneficial energies into the general area where we placed them. Some are for protection and others to deal with EMF’s and the like. Similar to us they also run down and feel neglected. In some locations, they tend to gather too much dust and dross, which slows them down considerably.


We had charged or programmed some other crystals with particular tasks to perform. These tasks had been long completed or forgotten; leaving them carrying on unnecessarily and putting out now unwanted results. This, along with some of them working on under adverse conditions and depleting themselves. Some of these crystals have taken on quite a load as they have been doing their thing. Undoubtedly they will really benefit from being relieved of their burden.


Check Your Crystals Out


It can be very beneficial to approach each of your crystals and check them out. You may listen to your intuition regarding their circumstance. Or you may prefer to enquire via dowsing, about their state of affairs. For example, I discovered a Clear Quartz sitting on the bed head in our spare room, come spare office. It has been sitting there innocently for several months past, or so I thought. Actually, about four months earlier I programmed it for a particular purpose and subsequently, forgotten it. In the meantime, it has been adding its now inappropriate influence every time I used the room. The crystal has now been cleared of its program and sits inoffensively in another room.


A large Rose Quartz had centre stage in the middle of the office, to dispense loving energy. As well as provide a peaceful vibe, and cohesively tie things together. However it didn’t seem to be doing this to its best, so we gave it a rest. Now another Rose Quartz is doing a splendid job in its place.

Once you have been checked all your crystals out and removed any unnecessary programs or tasks, it is a good time to smudge them. This gives everything a clean fresh energy lift. Let’s face it we all need rejuvenating from time to time. Perhaps I should also say at this time that there are also a great many crystals that can go on and on, pretty much unattended. This is now is a good time to look at moving some of your crystals around. Perhaps even change them around, if you feel the impulse or the belief you need to do so.


Program Crystals with Your New Beginnings


It’s also now that you can select and program crystals to help you with your new beginnings. Without a doubt, the best crystals for this are those of the Quartz family, especially Clear Quartz. Or you may select crystals for their known values to help build the vibe that can keep you on track, and also get you well past intention, past beginning, and on to completion.



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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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