Autumn Equinox Crystals
One of our nephews rang the other day to ask if we could recommend some suitable autumn equinox crystals for him. He has surprised us a few times recently, with questions about crystals and other metaphysical matters. On this occasion, he will be attending an autumn equinox ceremony and he had been told to bring suitable crystals with him.
At the equinox, night and day are of equal length. But thereafter, slowly increasing towards darkness as winter makes its way. It is a time of balance. It is also a time of looking forward to and preparing for the coming winter. The colours of the season are gold and brown.
Suggested Autumn Equinox Crystals
The equinoxes are all about balance and harmony, so we suggested Moonstone and Sunstone. Together they exemplify the balance between masculine and feminine, yin and yang, sun and moon; as well as the two polarities—positive and negative.
The vibrational frequencies of these two stones when used together are just the thing to remind us to stay balanced in all aspects of our lives. Magnetite was added to the mix, to further enhance things and to add a bit of grounding as well.
A few words about each crystal:
Moonstone – symbolizes enlightened female energy, soothing, moon energy, enhances intuition.
Sunstone – invites open-minded male energy, abundance, solar energy, leadership.
Magnetite – aligns and stabilizes energies, balances polarities, grounding.
To learn more about autumn crystals you may enjoy Autumn Crystals
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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.