The Use of Prayer


The Use of Prayer is an effective means of communication with Great Spirit and also serves to deliver an important message for us to heed today.

These prayers were read out at our last “circle” and are reproduced here for the message they contain. The “Earth Prayer” is framed and sits in our healing centre where I walk past it regularly. The other night it caught my attention and I was drawn to read it out, and followed by “The Circle of Life´ they convey a compelling message.

Earth Prayer

Grandfather Sky, Grandmother Earth,
The four winds the four powers and the four directions
Mother, Father, God, all our guides, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters,
Brotherhood of light and all that is of Divine Grace
We welcome you to our circle,
We ask that you join us so we can truly become one with all that is.
In so doing I ask that you nurture my Body, Heal my Mind,
and Transform my Soul
So that when it’s time for me to leave this plain and come to you
I leave with an open heart, clear mind and True Spirit.

The Spirit of Silverwolf.    AHO

The Circle of Life

Man has a poor understanding of life. He mistakes knowledge for wisdom.
He tries to unveil the secrets of our Father, the Great Spirit.
He attempts to impose his laws and ways on Mother Earth.
Even though he, himself, is a part of nature, he chooses to disregard and
ignore it for the sake of his own immediate gain.

But the laws of Nature are far stronger than those of Mankind.
Man must awake at last, and learn to understand how little time there
remains before he will become the cause of his own downfall.

And he has so much to learn. To learn to see with the heart.
He must learn to respect Mother Earth – She who has given life to everything;
To our Brothers and Sisters, the Animals and the Plants;
To the rivers, the Lakes, the Oceans, and the Winds.

He must realize that this Planet does not belong to him,
But he has to care for and maintain the delicate balance of Nature
For the sake of the wellbeing of our children and of all future generations.

It is the duty of Man to preserve the Earth and the Creation of Great Spirit.
Mankind being but a grain of sand in the Holy Circle which encloses all of Life.

Chief White Cloud


We shall be one

I salute the Light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells,
For when you are at the centre within you,
and I at that place within me,
We shall be one

Crazy Horse. Lakota


Learn about Chief White Cloud

Learn about Crazy Horse



© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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