Sunstone Meaning and Benefits.



~ Properties ~ Sunstone Meaning ~ Benefits ~ Healing ~


Sunstone Meaning – General Information.

Sunstone was not commonly available until recently. It is a yellow, orange to brown-red stone with iridescent reflections and is a member of the feldspar group. It is also known as Aventurine feldspar though not often referred to by this name. Sunstone is a microcline or oligoclase feldspar, with a Mohs hardness scale of 6 – 6.5, and belongs in the Triclinic crystal system.  When viewed from certain directions it exhibits a glittery appearance.


Sunstone Meaning – History.

The Greeks believed that Sunstone protected the earth from calamities and kept the sun on its correct course. Sunstone also represented the sun god, the bringer of life and abundance to all who were fortunate enough to possess it. During the Renaissance, it became associated with the sun because of its shimmering golden-orange colour. Ancients also believed Sunstone once formed part of the sun which fell to earth during a full solar eclipse. Sunstone as a prized possession was useful to attract the strength of the sun and its associated power and wealth. Also commonly associated with the Phoenix that appeared at the first sunrise.

Often made into ornamental goblets and plates, and believed to counteract poison and produce strength. Revered in ancient India as a protection from the destructive forces of other realms. Canadian Indians also used it in medicine wheel rituals for connection with the golden healing light of the sun. In Oriental cultures, they believed wearing Sunstone on Sundays would bring good fortune to the wearer.


Sunstone Meaning – Metaphysical Benefits.

It is a joyful, light-inspiring stone that often instils the feeling of joie de vivre; good-natured and heightens your intuition. It is a protective and powerful stone that adds its energy to other stones. Traditionally linked to benevolent gods, and believed to bring luck and good fortune. Sunstone facilitates self-empowerment, independence, and vitality.

Sunstone is often used along with Moonstone in Solstice rituals, either on the altar or by having the priest wearing Sunstone and the priestess wearing Moonstone, which together represent the balance of power between the physical, psychic and spiritual attributes.

It is extremely useful for removing ‘hooks’ or ‘chording’ from other people whether located in the chakras or the aura. Furthermore, it lovingly returns the connection to the other person. It is most effective on the 2nd, or Sacral/Navel Chakra, but will clear all chakras, and will assist with self-nurturing.

Sunstone is also helpful in contacting animal or spirit guides.

Sunstone has a very positive effect upon your psyche; it promotes good humour, cheerfulness, and an even temper. Plus it may restore life’s sweetness and help you to nurture yourself. It may well provide the necessary stamina and energy to undertake projects and tasks that you could find daunting, and will overcome procrastination if this is holding you back.

Moreover, it offers self-confidence and helps you to discover your nature and live accordingly. It assists in maintaining a positive attitude towards life, revealing inherent strengths while allowing the sunny side of your personality to rise to the forefront. Sunstone also helps you to maintain a beneficial sexual relationship.

Keep Sunstone with you at all times if you have difficulty saying “no” to people, and also if you continually make sacrifices for others. Sunstone also detaches your feelings of being discriminated against, disadvantaged or abandoned. It will remove inhibitions and hang-ups, and reverse feelings of failure. Remove co-dependence. It will increase feelings of self-worth, and confidence, encouraging optimism and enthusiasm. It will switch all feelings to a positive take on things. Even the most incorrigible pessimist will respond to Sunstone.

Sunstone is a powerful stone for dispelling fears and phobias of all kinds. It is also a leadership stone that brings forth leadership qualities.



Sunstone Meaning – Healing.

Sunstone stimulates your self-healing powers. It stimulates the autonomic nervous system and enhances the harmonious functioning of all the body’s organs. Treat chronic sore throats and relieves the pain of stomach ulcers. It is also useful for relieving cartilage problems, rheumatism, and general aches and pains.

Sunstone is beneficial for general health and maintaining physical energy. It is exceptionally good for Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD). It acts as an antidepressant and will free you from feelings of discrimination and failure. Sunstone easily increases a sense of self-esteem as well as self-worth.

Sunstone is particularly beneficial when used in the sunlight.


Tips for Using Sunstone.

  • Keep Sunstone close by so it can help you to see the brighter side of life.
  • Hold Sunstone when you are scared so it can ease away your fear.
  • A Sunstone kept in your wallet or purse, or in your pocket can bring you abundance.
  • Add some Sunstones to a bowl of warm water to soothe and relieve aching feet.
  • Wearing Sunstone can keep bad spirits at bay.
  • Wear Sunstone to feel alive and enthusiastic.
  • Carry Sunstone in your pocket to maintain high energy throughout the day.
  • Keep Sunstone in your workplace as it increases your profile and presents opportunities for leadership and promotion.
  • Worn as a pendant, Sunstone brings your heart’s wisdom into alignment with your mind’s inspirations.
  • Wearing a Sunstone ring on your receptive hand, helps you receive what is needed and desired.
  • Wearing a Sunstone ring on your transmitting hand channels healings and blessings to others.


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First presented in the Mar 2012 Newsletter, and edited May ’23 for inclusion here.

© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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