Seraphinite Meaning and Benefits


~ Properties ~ Seraphinite Meaning ~ Benefits ~ Healing ~


Seraphinite Meaning – General Information.

The name Seraphinite originates from the Latin word Seraphin, referring to the white feather-like streaks which often look like angel wings or angelic beings of light; of which the Seraphim are the highest order of angels, in the service of God.

Seraphinite, also known as Serafina belongs to the Chlorite class of silicates and contains inclusions of silver-coloured Mica. It is a deep forest green colour with chatoyant feathery accents of silver inclusions that shimmer as the stone is turned in the light. Seraphinite is translucent to opaque with a pearly, vitreous, or greasy luster. It has a Monoclinic crystal structure. It has a hardness of 2–2.5 on the Mohs scale, therefore lacking the hardness required for a jewelry gemstone.

Routinely formed into cabochons, spheres, hearts and various other shapes including healing wands and pendants.

Seraphinite Meaning – History.

Seraphinite is the New Age name for Clinochlore, which was discovered in the 19th Century in Russia, deriving from the Greek words, klino, meaning oblique, and referring to its monoclinic crystal system and chloros meaning green.

The main source of Seraphinite is in Irkutsk Oblast, Russia. The famed Russian mineralogist Nikolay Koksharov discovered it and named it after the group of angels in the Bible known as the “Seraphim”. Prior to this, it was known as Clinochlore. And later given the name “Chlorite” by German geologist, Abraham Gottlob Werner in 1789.

Many years ago, superstition saw it as an amulet to prevent snake bites. 


Seraphinite Meaning – Metaphysical Benefits.

Seraphinite contains clearly feminine energy. It is also one of the New Age Power Stones. As well as being one of the premier healing stones for our time. Known as the ‘Angel Stone’, because of its reputation for facilitating contact and communication with the angels and higher energies.

It facilitates conscious awareness on many higher planes, making it a very spiritual stone. Consequently, being able to sharpen your psychic awareness and intuition and encourage out-of-body journeys during meditation. It is said to prepare a supportive environment for your spiritual evolution. Seraphinite will lead you to discover your higher purpose and help to identify the actions you should take in order to experience peace and fulfilment.

Seraphinite is a dynamic purifier of Kundalini energy along with its two major conduits; the female Ida and male Pingala, as it rises along the spine, conveying yin/yang balance, alignment, and stability to the chakra system. This purification process causes old stagnant energy and blocks to simply dissolve, so that new pure energy may be quickly integrated.

Use Seraphinite as a tool of manifestation and transformation. It encourages living from the heart and is excellent for accessing self-healing.  It cleanses the aura, activates, strengthens and balances the chakras. Seraphinite offers balance and strength where these qualities are lacking, creating order and wholeness where once there was disarray. It causes old patterns of disease or imbalance to fall away, consequently creating room for replacement with new patterns of well-being.


Seraphinite Meaning – Healing.

Seraphinite can accelerate healing due to its ability to bring light energy into the DNA and pull higher vibrations into the subtle bodies. It is most effective for cellular regeneration, enhancing the detoxification process and for promoting and supporting weight loss. It has a positive impact on the health of both the liver and kidneys. Encourages healthy cells and is also beneficial for the blood, heart, and lungs.

Seraphinite assists with the delivery and assimilation of vitamins and minerals. It is healing for the nerves and brain cells.  Releases muscle tension. It is useful for fighting infection and warding off chills.


Tips for using Seraphinite.

  • Carry Seraphinite to enhance weight loss and as an aid for detoxification.
  • Wear Seraphinite to infuse each of your chakras with divine energy.
  • Sleep with Seraphinite to clear blockages in the chakras and boost your aura.
  • Having Seraphinite nearby can be uplifting for those experiencing depression.
  • Seraphinite kept in the home, office, or even the car, can discharge protective and angelic energies into the environment.
  • Use Seraphinite to ward off chills as well as for fighting an infection.
  • Keep Seraphinite in your dining area to aid with the delivery and assimilation of vitamins and minerals into the various organs of your body.
  • Hold Seraphinite for balance and strength especially where these qualities are lacking.
  • Work with Seraphinite during meditation to discover your purpose and place in the universe.



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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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