Sapphire Meaning and Benefits



~ July Birthstone ~ Properties ~ Sapphire Meaning ~ Benefits ~ Healing ~


For all those born in the month of September, your Birthstone is Sapphire.

It is also one of the zodiac stones for those born under the sign of Virgo,
between August 24 and September 23. 


Sapphire Meaning – General Information.

Sapphire is a variety of corundum and comes in a variety of colours, (except red which is Ruby) with blue the most common. Its name means blue

in Greek. The finest blue Sapphires are a strong blue, and the ‘Star Sapphire’ is a very valued stone. Coloured Sapphires are referred to as pink Sapphires, yellow Sapphires, violet Sapphires, green Sapphires, clear Sapphires, etc.

It belongs to the Hexagonal crystal system, with a Mohs hardness of 9, and has a vitreous lustre.

Due to their hardness, Sapphires are used in industrial applications, like watch component crystals and movement bearings, scientific instruments, and insulating substrates used in special-purpose solid-state electronics.


Sapphire Meaning – History.

According to folklore, the Laws given to Moses were inscribed on Sapphire, making it a most sacred gemstone. The Sapphire was also one of the twelve stones on the Jewish high priest’s breastplate, located on the second row in the middle.

As Sapphires represent divine favour, they are the gemstone of choice for royalty and high priests. The British Crown Jewels are full of large blue Sapphires, the symbol of pure and wise rulers.

Sapphire is also called the “Stone of Destiny”. It is also the symbol of heaven and joyful devotion to God. Some believe this is where we got the term: “True Blue.”

It is a stone of wisdom and forever associated with sacred things and steeped in the lore and history of nearly every religion. In the ancient and medieval world, Sapphire signified the height of celestial hope and faith. It would also bring protection, good fortune and spiritual insight, and was a symbol of kindness and wise judgment.

The Greeks wore it when seeking answers from the Oracle at Apollo’s Shrine at Delphi. Buddhists held that it brought devotion and spiritual enlightenment. Hindus considered Sapphire as one of the “great gems” used it in their offerings in the temples for worship and to also align astrological influences. Christians used it in ecclesiastical rings and cherished for its powers of protection and insight.

As a talisman, Sapphire preserved chastity, protected from poison, plague, fever and skin diseases. It also healed ailments of the eyes, improved concentration, and would lose lustre if worn by an intemperate or irreligious person. Also used to discover fraud and treachery, and for its power in resisting black magic and ill-wishing.

Traditionally Sapphire was worn when treaties were being signed.


Sapphire Meaning – Metaphysical Benefits.

Sapphire has long symbolized truth, sincerity and faithfulness, and as such, it is an excellent choice for an engagement ring.

It contributes to mental clarity and perception. Assists with learning, mental acuity and psychic activation and also the pursuit of spiritual truth. Sapphire also has the power to transmute negative thoughts and energy.

This stone lets go of depression and spiritual confusion and stimulates concentration. It can promote financial rewards, prosperity and bring forth gifts of all kinds. Sapphire embraces order, structure, and self-discipline. Likewise, it is ideal for accomplishing goals and manifesting your ideas into form.

Sapphire is recognized as a “Wisdom Stone”. It attracts protection and prophetic wisdom. It will entice and oversee your divine destiny in life, instilling hope, faith and joy during the journey. Also allowing you to access deeper levels of consciousness and gain a fuller understanding of yourself.


Sapphire Meaning – Healing.

Sapphire assists in healing all parts of the body. It opens the mind to beauty and intuition and brings with it the hope of fulfilling your dreams and the desires of your heart. Sapphire can focus healing, loving energy upon anyone needing it.

Placed on the throat, Sapphire helps to release frustration and aids self-expression.

Sapphire normalizes overactive body systems and regulates the glands. It will cure a sore throat, and heal the eyes. Treats blood disorders and alleviates excessive bleeding, strengthens veins and also improves their elasticity. Soothes insomnia. Use it to relieve headaches, fever, and also for matters with the ears, including infection, hearing, inner-ear imbalances and vertigo.

It can be effective in treating neuroses or even psychosis. Treats depression, brings calm and focus to the mind, and also restores balance within the body.


Tips for using Sapphire.

  • Sapphire is exceptional when meditating as it calms and focuses the mind and allows the release of unwanted thoughts and mental tension.
  • Wear Sapphire to help you stay on your spiritual path.
  • Carry a Sapphire when signing contracts or making payment negotiations, for yourself or on another’s behalf.
  • Sapphire is also highly effective for the speedy and positive resolution of legal matters.
  • As Sapphire represents love, commitment and fidelity, it is popular in engagement rings.
  • Gargle with Sapphire elixir to improve your speech and communication.
  • Use Sapphire or Sapphire elixir as a curative for eye infections and improving your eyesight.
  • Keep a Sapphire under your pillow to help overcome insomnia.
  • A Sapphire in your pocket or purse will help become more secure in your own opinions and knowledge and in expressing your truths to others.
  • Having a Sapphire close to you helps restore balance and brings lightness and joy into your energy system.
  • Hold Sapphire to help maintain a clear vision of where you want to go and how to get there.


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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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