Crystals for Digestive Health.


We often receive inquiries asking about crystals for digestive health. It seems digestion is a bit of a problem in these modern days of stress and often poor food choices. And let’s face it, stomach aches are never pleasant.


Having trouble with digestion?

As you will see from the answer below, we like to take a holistic approach in many of our answers. Especially as the more compatible factors you have working for you – then so much the better.

Two of the best crystals for digestion are Citrine and Amethyst.

crystals for digestive health






… “Before we get to the crystals for digestive health, here are a couple of other suggestions that may help with the problem.

Crystals do their best job when they are supported by your attitude and actions:

  • Look to your diet and consider what you are eating and when.
  • Eat slower and fully chew each mouthful and while you are doing this fully savour and keep your attention on this task; enjoy it as much as possible with as few distractions as possible.
  • Drink sufficient pure water each day to ensure you are not thirsty.
  • Is there something that is stressing you or has you anxious? This can have a great impact upon digestion.
  • Walking in a special way for about 30 minutes daily has a good effect on our mental and physical digestion. Walk at a determined pace – not fast and definitely not dawdling. Do this in the most beautiful environment you can conveniently find, but keep in mind around the block is quite ok. Keep your attention on, but don’t force your breathing and find a comfortable rhythm; say breathing in for 5 steps and out for 8 steps.
  • Consider supplementing with digestive enzymes to see how they go.
  • Seriously consider using the ‘MIR Method’. This should reset your proper natural levels of things like digestive acidity, metabolic rate, and assist with the body’s natural detoxing.

Now to the crystals for digestive health:

Black Obsidian
Tiger Eye






Your Citrine and Amethyst are both suitable digestion stones and would provide support. These crystals are also quite suitable; Chrysocolla, Labradorite, Obsidian, Pyrite, Rhodonite, Sapphire, Tiger Eye, Topaz.

If you have noticed extra stress in your life and you feel this may have stressed your system, Moonstone should help to de-stress the system.

Perhaps you have noticed some degree of faultiness, equating to some form of elimination problems. If so, you could consider Red and Green Tourmaline.

If you believe your system could benefit from some stimulation, consider Moss Agate, while Pyrite will stimulate and strengthen your system.


How to use your crystals for digestive health.

You now have about a dozen crystals to choose from. Choose two or three, preferably in addition to your Citrine and Amethyst, to assist you with the problem. Best results will be obtained by having them over your Solar Plexus Chakra, located just below your sternum. To achieve this you could, wear them suspended in a little pouch, contained in a wire cage suspended on a long chain like a piece of jewellery, or taped in place with some Micropore tape. At night you could put them under your pillow.

Alternatively, or in addition you could use them in a crystal layout: Lie down in a comfortable and quiet location; Place the crystals over or between your Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras; Lie quietly for twenty minutes or so. If you wish you might also place appropriate crystals over your other Chakras and complete a Chakra balance at the same time, in fact I would recommend this. Or you could use Clear Quartz on each of the other chakras and maybe hold one in each hand.

Naturally we are assuming you would cleanse and charge them before use.


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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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