My Top Twelve Tips for Choosing Crystals and getting it right.

Choosing crystals is a serious business. Especially if you are worried and concerned with getting it right: You need the proper crystal to do the job; the one with all of the right properties; one that’s not too big and not too small; should it be rough or smooth; it’s got feel right and resonate at just the right frequency and of course you’ve got to like it. Talk about a tall order! Wow!

But, choosing crystals is also supposed to be fun, light-hearted, spontaneous and spirit-directed. Hey, is this getting harder or easier?

As I set out to write, I had a clear intention of what I wanted to convey. I wanted an extension piece outlining many of the different and often very humorous methods employed by some people to select their crystals. Sometime later, I scrapped what I had written. This was because while their methodologies were well presented, my writing lacked the humour that I seem to manage so well when verbalising these same events.

So rather than inflict you with bland and boring tales. I have instead taken a different tack and started again. It has become apparent though, due to recent questions that we need to at least recap some of the important points involved in choosing your crystals.

So, here are my top twelve tips for choosing crystals:

1. Follow your own guidance, trust yourself and listen to your intuition. If you are attracted to a particular crystal and it feels right – it is right!

2. Don’t allow a well-meaning friend to badger you into changing your mind. It will be your crystal, not theirs! We have heard of too many crystals buried in the back corner of dresser drawers because of this influence.

3. If you are after a crystal to perform a particular task, then be guided by the many references concerning the practical, metaphysical and healing properties of each crystal type.

4. Should your choice be priced outside your budget or what’s available, go to the next recommended crystal and continue until you get one suitable.

5. Sometimes it pays to settle for second best. This crystal will still do the job. You can still use it until you can find the perfect specimen you are looking for.

6. When you have several of your assortment to choose from – go back to 1) listen to your gut.

Most importantly – follow your instincts and listen to your gut. 

7. Often when you are in the process, a particular crystal will let you know in various ways that it is the one. Sometimes it tingles, sometimes it feels hot, or sometimes cold. And dare I say it, sometimes they talk to you, or magnetically attract themselves to you. Or somehow they manage to glow brightly.

8. More often than not they just sit there and do nothing. DO NOT be put off by this and think that you are inept. Or because they are not producing some magic trick. Or, that you are doing something wrong. You’re not!

9. DO NOT listen to that old furphy; “you can’t buy your own healing stones, they need to be a gift from a friend.”

10. Remember that whatever system works best for you, it is the best system. This is regardless of what others may have to say on the subject.

11. When all else fails, listen to your own counsel.

12. If you have a good online supplier (I hope we fill the bill here), trust them. More often than not you will find that reputable suppliers, somehow, miraculously, intuitively, or just by dumb luck, manage to select the perfect stone for you. *

* In our case it is an important part of the service. No doubt made easier for us because of the help available from our several suppliers and their high energy crystals. And Thank-You for your support and patronage and especially for the many positive comments received by phone, email, and in person.

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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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