Bloodstone Meaning – General Information.

Bloodstone, alternatively known as Heliotrope, is a form of Chalcedony. It has a trigonal crystal system and is in the mineral class of oxides in the Quartz group. It is the connecting link between the Quartz families of Chalcedony and Jasper. Bloodstone belongs to the hexagonal crystal system, has a vitreous lustre, and is a 7 on the Mohs hardness scale.

The classic Bloodstone is green Chalcedony with red inclusions of iron oxide, or Red Jasper. Supposedly the red inclusions resemble spots of blood, hence the name Bloodstone. Heliotrope from the Greek, Helios – sun, and Trepein – to turn, derives from various ancient notions about the manner in which the mineral reflects light. Described back in the writings by Pliny the Elder.

Earlier called the Sun Stone, and later Christ’s Stone, its blood energy inherently speaks of birth and life, strength and vitality, passion and courage. As a talisman, it is both mystical and magical, with protective and nurturing virtues.



Bloodstone Meaning – History.

In ancient times these polished stones were described as reflecting the sun. Perhaps the appearance of the gem reminded the ancients of the red setting sun, mirrored in the ocean.

Treasured in ancient times Bloodstone also served for a long time as the birthstone for March. According to legend about the origin of Bloodstone, it was first formed when drops of Christ’s blood fell and stained some Green Jasper at the foot of the cross. Medieval Christians often carved it into scenes of the crucifixion and martyrs, dubbing it The Martyr’s Stone. A beautiful example of carved Bloodstone with the seal of the German Emperor Rudolf II is on display at the Louvre in Paris.

Bloodstone, also known as a Stone of Courage and commonly referred to as The Hero’s Stone. The saying is, it will provide courage and strength in the face of enemies. It also protects us from ourselves by instilling resistance to personal desires that may cause danger.

Considered to be a powerful healing stone with many magical properties. In ancient folklore, Bloodstone was an ‘audible oracle’ giving off sounds as a means of guidance.  Bloodstone was also a useful amulet to banish and to protect against the evil eye. Bloodstone is the symbol of justice.

Old texts referred to it as Green Jasper or Blood Jasper and recommended it for healing infections, inflammations, and poisoning. For those reasons, many soldiers carried a Bloodstone amulet with them into battle to either avoid wounds or to heal them. Furthermore, Bloodstone was thought to be able to stop haemorrhages with the merest touch.

Ancients carved it extensively into signet seals and in jewelry, as well as into statuettes, decorative cups, and small vases.


Bloodstone Meaning – Metaphysical Benefits.

Today, as before, Bloodstone can offer courage and solace to all who feel called to give of themselves for the good of others. It elicits the highest and most altruistic character for those who wear or carry it.

Bloodstone promotes both optimism and luck. Many also believe that carrying one in their wallet will promote wealth.

Bloodstone reminds us that change must be endured in order for life to improve and experience its benefits. It helps us to modify our patterns of behaviour and to rebuild in a healthier way.

The primary message of Bloodstone is to be present in the here and now. It can revitalise love, relationships, and friendships. As well as helping to let go of selfish behaviour, and renewing an idealistic outlook on life. It also enhances your natural abilities, talent, and creativity.

It gives the ability to banish evil and negativity of all kinds. Bloodstone grounds and protects the soul on many levels, as well as heightening intuition, and dispelling mental confusion.


Bloodstone Meaning – Healing. 

According to traditional Indian medicine, Bloodstone is an intense healing stone, balancing the base, navel, sacral, and heart chakras. Even today, medicines and aphrodisiacs made from finely pulverised Bloodstone are still popular in India.

The detoxification properties of Bloodstone can aid the healing of diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver, spleen, bladder, and intestines. It regulates blood flow and benefits all blood-rich organs in the lower body. Bloodstone relieves stomach and bowel pain, and has a positive influence on the bladder. It also helps to reduce lower back pain. Relieves mosquito bites.

Bloodstone is an energy cleanser and is one of the best immune boosters for infections. It stimulates the flow of lymph fluid and metabolic processes, reduces the formation of pus, detoxifies, and neutralises over-acidification. It re-energises and rejuvenates when body and mind are exhausted.

Helps to ward off colds, flu, infections, and inflammation. It is also excellent for revitalizing and re-energizing after illness, injury, or physical exhaustion.


Tips for Using Bloodstone.

  • Hold Bloodstone to help relieve stress and let go of anger.
  • Keep Bloodstone around when you need strength and courage.
  • Put Bloodstone under your bed to wake up feeling refreshed and with a zest for life.
  • Wear Bloodstone to encourage your body to eliminate toxins.
  • Carry Bloodstone for inner strength when you are feeling anxious.
  • Set Bloodstone on your desk to enhance your abilities at work.
  • Sleep with Bloodstone to help release worries and other negative emotions.
  • Invigorate and energise your body and mind by keeping Bloodstone nearby.
  • Wear or carry Bloodstone as a protective amulet against threats or bullying.
  • Hold onto Bloodstone to increase mental clarity and assist with decision-making.


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First presented in the April 2011 Newsletter, and edited October ’22 for inclusion here.

© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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